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Saturday, 22 August 2015


So I've unpacked, put away, and done the washing, and come to terms with the grey skies. 

I've also needed to get back into some sort of exercise regime to get rid of the extra pounds I've put on during our Spanish eating and drinking fest. This means I'm out running again, and spending half an hour with Teddy Bass (of Sugar TV fame) in front of the computer (with the blinds down) 

First makes of the new range are these upcycled Thunderbird fabric girls dresses (could never accuse us of gender stereotyping) I only had enough fabric to make a 5-6 and a 7-8 and a ladies shift, so very unique they are too.

Followed by some VW Beetle fabric long sleeve dresses. 

This photo is of Mabel in a dress I made last September, which was the last time I found and used this fabric. 

Love this dinosaur fabric, the muted colours remind me of Autumn and I'd match it up with tights, brown boots, a long sleeve top and a denim jacket 

I also finished a special order, a couple of dresses for twin girls from London who are off on their holidays to America. I have more of this fabric and will be making the long sleeve version in the next couple of weeks.

The weather has been very random since we got back, so we've really had to make the most of time when it's not raining.  Harry and Bella have been playing tennis, while Mabel and I went to the play park.   Harry and I went out to meet friends for a few cocktails at the Bronx - we even had a Tom Collins (discovered in Spain) and a lovely watermelon concoction. Finishing the evening on the beach at The Ship 

Always up for a stroll and a bit of wheel action after dinner.

Saturday Bella went off to celebrate a friends birthday, which included, shopping and lunch (on their own) in town, followed by dinner and a sleepover. It's moments like this when I realise how much my 10 year old girl is growing up!

Mabel had been unwell on Friday evening, and with Bella away I was looking at a rare sunny day spent indoors. Thankfully she made a recovery, and we headed out for a bit of fresh air. Unprepared we ended up on the beach with nothing but a blanket, and because she's six and unlike Bella, not embarrassed by everything, Mabel decided it was time to get down to her knickers.

An impromptu meet up with Sarah and her son Tom on the beach, by 4pm it was pouring with rain and the finale of the Dawlish Airshow the Red Arrows had been cancelled!

So we head into our last week of the Summer holidays and the weather  outlook continues to be poor.  There are things we'd like to do before we go back so hopefully we'll be able to fit them in this week, weather permitting. 

One thing we have decided for next year is we will definitely be adding another week to our Summer holiday in Spain!

A Cornish Mum

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